A review by michelle904
A Favor for a Favor by Helena Hunting


This was book #11 for Romanceopoly 2020.

Challenge Pack: Sun
Square: Library
Challenge:Free choice

Three favorite things:
*The friendship between Stevie, Pattie and Jules -- they are so much fun together and they totally support and defend each other.

*The appearance of Violet -- THAT IS EVERYTHING!!

*Stevie and Bishop might be one of my new favorite couples because they are hilarious together.

Favorite quotes:
I yell, much louder than necessary, “Bratwurst!” At the same time, Pattie beside me shouts, “Hot dog!” Jules follows it with, “Penis! I mean banana!” Suddenly I’m not the most embarrassed person in the room anymore, and I think I’ve found my girl squad.

“If I don’t like it, I’m spitting it out.” “Nope. You’re not a toddler. You have to swallow.” I get right into his personal space, kind of like he did with me when he was making Joey uncomfortable. “I don’t even like the way it smells. I’m definitely not going to like the way it tastes.” “If women can stomach jizz, you can swallow a bite of this pizza.”

“First you tell me you’re a swallower, and then you offer me up your pussy for dessert? When I’m ninety years old and senile, I’ll still remember this conversation.”