A review by jugglingpup
Death by Silver by Amy Griswold, Melissa Scott


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I know, I need to stop reading murder mysteries and thinking I am going to like them. I am always lulled into this false idea that maybe I have just read bad murder mysteries, but almost every single time I am just left baffled by how much I hate the genre and why I keep trying. So please keep my obvious lack of sense in mind when you read my thoughts.

The murder itself was whatever. The father of someone who physically and maybe sexually assaulted the two male leads is dead. Why am I supposed to care about this? I don’t know. I read the whole book and the idea was never made clear to me. I just don’t give even the slightest amount of a care that someone was murdered or why. There was no reason for me to. At least sometimes I can get into the feelings behind why a murder is significant. I just couldn’t with this one.

The magic/fantasy aspect of the book was ok, I guess. The way that the magic worked gave it clear limitations. It made it something that could be studied and learned by someone. I liked the idea of the magic and how it could apply. The way it worked in the book just drained the fun that magic is supposed to have away. It was much too practical. I was amused by the magic, but the magic was nothing that I would spend any deal of time on if I was in their world. I also wouldn’t use it as a selling point to get people to read the book.

This book was sold to me on the idea that there was a gay romance at the heart of the book. I am all about gay romances, so I caved. So the romance was the only reason I was reading this book.Yet, by the last page I could not tell the two main romantic leads apart. Every time their names were mentioned, I had to check the back cover to see who was who again. I know one of them was into sports, but I couldn’t tell you which one. There really was nothing that made me ship them. They didn’t treat each other well. This was another romance that really was all physical and not emotional. I need emotions. I need FEELINGS in my romance. I couldn’t care less when it seems the entire relationship is based on physicality that is then hidden and not discussed, except when drunk.

So this book had nothing for me. It took me forever to get through this book and I had to stop every few pages, because it just didn’t hold my attention at all. I was rewarding myself after each chapter. I couldn’t read at night, because it did put me to sleep more than once when I tried. This isn’t to say the writing was bad. It had a pleasant tone and I enjoyed the word choices. It is one of the better written books I have read in the murder mystery genre. It still wasn’t something that was engaging or something I would recommend.