A review by ctorretta
Heart Like Mine by Amy Hatvany


Ok… I had to sit and think about how I was going to do this review. So, let me take this one thing at a time.

Firstly, the cover seems lackluster but it does have a significance with the story. That red sweater means so much and honestly I didn’t even notice it until I started doing this review!

The plot was interesting. It also tugged at my heart strings. There are so many emotional ups and downs in this that you almost need to take a breather to be able to continue reading. But there was something else, the point of view kept changing, which normally I don’t have an issue with, but in this case, the pov would change and so would the tense. All of a sudden you would be in a memory of a person and then in yet another memory further into their past! It could get a bit convoluted and I had to do a few double takes to get my thoughts back to what was going on. Definitely took away from the story, for me. However, I understand the different points of view because there is just TOO much going on for any one person to know everything. Plus the fact that everyone keeps lying to each other doesn’t help, but it is art imitating real life so I just kind of tried to go with it. I did find myself trudging to the end hoping somewhere there was going to be happiness for someone out there! Anyone please!! Just ONE of them! But I’ll talk about the ending in a minute.

As for the characters, each one of them has their own reasons for being who they are. None are perfect, which of course makes them perfect! They all have to learn to grow and trust each other and so much happens to get them to that point! Grace was definitely my favorite! That girl has her stuff together! And then to be thrown into a relationship as a step-mother of two kids! Whew… it would throw anyone for a loop. I normally take the sides of the kids but for some reason I just wanted Grace to come out of this on top.

Now, the ending… after ALL of the drama, the crying and aches and pains that these people go through, I was hoping for something. SOMETHING! I don’t know. It just seemed so … meh to me. It’s not that it isn’t worth the read, exactly… it just felt like you were taken on a roller coaster and just kind of let off without a last hoorah! I hope that makes sense!

I have to say, I did read quite a few Goodreads reviews while trying to wrap my head around doing my own review, and there are quite a few out there and I can see where the people that gave this higher ratings are coming from, all I know though, was this wasn’t for me. BUT don’t let that stop you! The emotional turmoil and characters in this are brilliant and it’s definitely worth reading!