A review by trin_ney18
My Body Keeps Your Secrets by Lucia Osborne-Crowley


3.5/5 Stars

Thank you so much to Edelweiss and the publishers for providing me with early access to this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

TW: rape, sexual assault, eating disorders, chronic illness, infertility, trauma, ptsd

Despite how heavy of a subject this book revolves around, I couldn't find it in me to put it down. I connected so intensely with what the author was saying and her own self-discovery as she talked with others going through similar situations. It's amazing, and sometimes really difficult when you see yourself in a book.

I think even if you haven't been victimized there is still so much to gain from this book. It offers great perspectives on living after trauma and the choices and thought processes of a victim. But I also felt that it was hopeful and we saw amazing growth and realistic setbacks without glamourizing any part of the situation.

This was raw and real and I already know that I'm going to recommend it to fans of "The Body Keeps the Score" and I'm excited to see how others like me also learn from this.