A review by thebiasedbibliophile
From the Arcane: Relics of Legend and Lore by Rachel Rener


This is the first Indie Fantasy Addicts anthology I've read, and I had the immense honor of anonymously judging for the anthology. I was blown away by the creativity in these stories! Each story felt very unique and fun in its own way. My top three stories were "The Pilfered Quill" by David Green and Rachel Rener, "The Blade of Severed Bonds" by Laura Winter, and "A Measure of Solace" by Lily Anne Crow. However, there was something to love in each and every story!

A few of the stories had diverse characters. Karyne Norton's includes a character who is disabled, and Katie Cherry's protagonist is a Person of Color. I do have to admit that I would've liked to see more queer representation in the stories, but that is my only complaint.

I was really impressed with how vivid the settings are in many of the stories. Readers will feel like they're traveling everywhere, from the wild west to your local bookstore.

As a whole, I cannot recommend this anthology enough! As far as anthologies go, I think it has an unusually high amount of 5-star stories, and I appreciated the way they all felt distinct and immersive.