A review by howifeelaboutbooks
Code for Failure by Ryan W. Bradley


As Ryan says in his acknowledgments, this book is "a story about a screw-up gas station attendant written by a former screw-up gas station attendant." The book is a quick read, broken into short sections that will keep you saying "Just one more chapter, just one more" before you can attempt to put it down. It's a novel, but most pieces could stand alone as short stories; I felt like I was reading a collection that just happened to come together into a story arc at the end. Parts are crass, parts are funny, parts are punch-you-in-the-gut honest. It's a book about a college drop-out assessing the state of his life and what could possibly come next, but it's too easy to forget the narrator's age and apply his questions to your own situation. It's an entertaining book, yes, but it's also much deeper than that.

*I read an early release in advance of a blog tour that is coming up March 19th - March 27th.