A review by srgower
The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov


I had a lot of fun reading this book. On the surface this is a murder mystery - the book opens with our detective main character Lije Baley getting assigned a robot partner to investigate a murder in Spacetown; Baley distrusts robots, and Earthmen definitely do not trust Spacers. Easy setup. But what follows is not a straightforward murder investigation. Yes, there is some investigating that happens, but the key points of interest lie in what happens in between. Asimov introduces some really cool concepts and ideas, several of them relevant to today's world.

The murder is eventually solved (although it takes Baley three tries to get it right) and it's satisfying, but honestly, I could have lived without a satisfying conclusion to the murder given what we got in the book. I recommend this one, I'll be talking about it more in-depth in my next podcast episode.