A review by lisaluvsliterature
Naughty or Nice by Rachael Stewart


This book started out hot from the very first pages! It was a quick and easy read, lots of steam, lots of emotion, lots of back story. The characters both had great reasons for why they felt the way they did. Everyone in the family did in a way. It was good that in the end they were able to find out the real events that led to the rift between Lucas and Eva's family. I like that Eva was working on her own product and that she was taking charge and making her own decisions. There was a time or two when I feel like she gave in and let others come between her and Lucas, but again, I know that's needed to add the drama to the story. As I said, it was a fast read, and I could see reading more from this author in the future. Probably more of a 3.5 stars in reality though.

This review first appeared on Lisa Loves Literature.