A review by fafabookcorner
Fall of Night by Danika Stone, D.K. Stone


Review posted on Fafa's Book Corner!

Beware spoilers ahead!

Disclaimer: I received this E-ARC via the author for partaking in the street team and in exchange for an honest review.

Trigger Warning(s): Animal cruelty.

Rep: Audrika and Vasur are Indian-Canadian. Louise is half Canadian half Japanese.

My Thoughts Before Reading: Having read and thoroughly enjoyed the previous instalments, I was very excited to read this conclusion!

I enjoyed Fall of Night!

What I Liked: Just like the previous instalments, the mystery was exciting! It kept me on the edge of my seat, whilst I continued to guess who did it. I guessed some parts correctly, but did not see that big reveal coming!

I enjoyed learning more about Rich and his life before Waterton. I also thoroughly enjoyed that Fall of Night has such a large focus on Sadie. It was fun being in her head, while she worked on the murder cases. And of course to read about her relationship with her new partner as well as Lou (towards the end).

Lou and Rich’s relationship is tested in this instalment. With Rich lying to her in the beginning, and Lou trying to choose how to react to all the new information about Rich.

The two of them managed to work through all of the obstacles, and come out stronger. I loved reading about their wedding and that last page!

My Criticism(s): It took a long time before the mystery hooked me. I didn’t care for Gabby so I think that’s why I wasn’t invested in the beginning.

I didn’t see the point reading in Bryce and his girlfriend’s point of view. It added nothing to the plot.

I was really disappointed when Audrika was murdered. She is my favourite character after Lou.

Conclusion: Overall I enjoyed Fall of Night. I highly recommend this series for mystery lovers.