A review by ladyk23
The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century Ghost Stories by Michael Cox


Firstly, as someone who's been affectionately described as "well nesh" - which means always cold - I might have to permanently borrow the description "cold as the penny in a dead man's eye", because I absolutely love the image that this conjures.

This incredibly short story opens with all the makings of a classic ghost story; a cold night, a man heading towards a house with "window eyes" - which if this doesn't immediately make you think of the Amityville house then I don't know what would - and a darkness so all consuming that it will soon have you fearing what lies within it.

If you're at all claustrophobic, I think your anxiety will grow with each moment the man spends in the darkness. I know mine certainly did. And then that ending, which although wasn't a shock, was still enough to make me go 'ooooh'.

You can find this story beautifully read on the Classic Ghost Stories Podcast along with many others I've reviewed.