A review by ironi
Escaping the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality, Masochism, and Other Flights from the Burden of Selfhood by Roy F. Baumeister


I liked this book a lot. It was readable and interesting. It offered a taste into a world I haven't ventured into for a while.

I'm trying to read more actively, trying to read more and actually think about what I read, make it less passive. I find myself asking about this book in terms of 2018. We can submerge into ourselves so easily, find people that accompany us the way we'd like,

Aaand I forgot what I wanted to write. Guess it wasn't very important and I have stuff to do (let's do this Psychometry) so let's wrap this up.

what I'm taking with me
• One day I'm going to go on a retreat and meditate all the time. Going to experience what it's like to live that spirituality.
• the self is hella complicated.
• Freud thought suicide happens because you want to kill someone but feel guilty.