A review by fictionalkate
Fearless by Marianne Curley


Ebony and Nathaneal have overcome so much to be together but their happily ever after will have to wait. The Dark Prince and ruler of Skade has taken Ebony and imprisoned her in his realm. With all entries and exits to Skade sealed for a century, it seems Ebony and Thane's love story is at an end. Not willing to lose her after just finding her again, Thane is willing to do whatever it takes to have Ebony in his arms again. And Ebony isn't going to be an angelic damsel in distress - she will take on the devil himself to find her way back to Thane and the home she was taken from.

The Avena series by Marianne Curley has been a pleasure to read. Fearless, the third and final book in the trilogy, delivers all the drama and excitement of the previous two novels and so much more. Ebony has grown so much since we first met her in Hidden. She's overcome learning her heavenly history as well as her long complicated and romantic history with Thane. She isn't going to let being held captive by a dark Prince defeat her. One of the things I liked best about Ebony was her attitude. She is a fighter yet she is not infallible. The direness of her situation isn't lost on her and despite her best efforts to stay positive, Ebony is aware of the worst case scenario. New character Mela was a great addition to the story as was her connections to the overall plot.

As with the previous two books, the settings are great. Seeing Skade through Ebony's eyes was fantastic. There's enough detail to bring the place to life and I loved how vivid it was. Thane's part of the story was as captivating as Ebony's with his pain at being torn apart from her being palpable. Trying to balance his role as an Angel at the same time as planning a rescue mission weighed on him and it was nice to see his struggle and the human emotions it brought out in him. Jordan, Amber as well as a cast of angels all help bring this story to a climax. This is definitely one of those books which takes a little while to get going. The first half of this book is a little slow but the details and story is necessary for the action to really get ramped up in the second half.

Fearless is a brilliant conclusion to the series. There's drama and romance, heroes and villains, all tied together in a thrilling story. Beautifully written with vivid descriptions and interesting characters, Fearless is a must for fans of YA paranormal romance. After reading the Avena series - Marianne Curley has a fan for life in me and I can't wait to see what she writes next.