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A review by bookwyrms_shelf
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo


This was a compelling tale of hidden identity and ability, as well as of loyalty and family. Luzia is able to perform miracles, or so those around her believe. It's more likely that she's a witch, but that's far more deadly to admit. She ends up under the patronage of Víctor, and his companion Santángel. 

Determined to win the King's favor, Víctor uses Luzia for his own plans and machinations. Santángel realizes this and regrets his part in it, unsure of how to help save her from an inevitable fate. 

The inquisition and the men in charge run the world, and Luzia knows that. She hates it, but she accepts it. And she's got a wild and crazy plan that just might save them all. If only...