A review by daveversace
Ecopunk! - speculative tales of radical futures by Jane Rawson, Andrew Sullivan, R. Jean Mathieu, Matthew Chrulew, Jane Routley, Cat Sparks, D.K. Mok, Thomas Benjamin Guerney, Jason Nahrung, Adam Browne, Corey J. White, Janeen Webb, Shauna O'Meara, Tess Williams, Rivqa Rafael, Emilie Collyer, Ian Nichols, Marian Womack, Jason Fischer, Claire McKenna, Liz Grzyb


Extremely entertaining and thought-provoking collection of ecological science fiction. It's honestly hard to pick out the highlights with such a wide range of great ideas supporting great stories, but a few I liked the most include Claire McKenna's sly Jack and the Beanstalk riff with black market fungal stocks in "Mr Mycelium", D K Mok's optimistic post-flooding "The Wandering Library", Rivqa Rafael's intrepid vaccination squad in "Trivalent" and Shauna O'Meara's disaster-recovery-science reality television show in "Island Green". But ask me on a different day and I might give you four completely different faves - if this kind of near-future, cautiously optimistic SF is your bag at all, this whole collection is worth checking out.