A review by relly
Stumptown Spirits by E.J. Russell


3.5 Stars

Buddy Read

I wanted to like this one more than I did. I think this is a case of me and this author just not gelling. While I think she is a good writer the stories just don’t work for me at times.

The parts I liked – the paranormal storyline. I really liked the idea of the loop of the scene replaying. I didn’t pick how it would be stopped and thought that was well done. I enjoyed how Riley used his smarts and protected Logan to the best of his ability. I did pick Bert but not who he actually was and how he would be involved in the show down.

I liked Riley but wished he would stick up for himself more. He was smarter than everyone else there and probably better qualified and yet he cowed to them all, even his friend, and when Logan was being a jerk, he didn’t take him to task just made excuses for him. Even after Logan ruined a lifetimes work he just brushed it off.

Logan I didn’t like, He never once talked to Riley just made decisions for him and pushed him away, Even after it didn’t work he kept doing it again and again, try9ng to tell himself he was protecting Riley but not believing in him and his knowledge. 

I don’t buy that the two of them as a couple as they don’t communicate at all and Logan just makes decisions and pushes Riley away.