A review by marilynw
Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi


Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi
(Special Agent Alexandra Martel #1)
Narrated by Cynthia Farrell

Nothing can stop Special Agent Alexandra Martel. One of the most renowned and decorated Army snipers, now an FBI special agent on loan to Interpol, Alex is always going places, getting things done, but also prone to PTSD related attacks, triggered by the sounds, smells, sights of the past. A past that includes too many dead behind her, friend and foe. So when her friend, an MI5 officer, has been killed under mysterious circumstances, Alex isn't going to let this event go without finding out what happened to her.

With too many people demanding her attention, time, and that she follow orders, Alex also has to deal with a CIA agent who may be more than he seems. This guy just might want to team up with her but she's not interested. They butt heads, they argue, they almost die together, and there is even a bit of admiration on both sides, his more than hers but she still sees someone who may have what it takes to get things done.

When a nuclear warhead goes missing, Alex must detour from her path of avenging her friend. But is the death of her friend and a missing warhead connected? Just what was her friend involved in and did Alex really know her after all?

Alex lives to shoot, she loves the math of being a sniper and she's going to be doing a lot of shooting. But she's also going to get shot at, thrown, punched, and a lot of other things. Think of her as a living, breathing punching bag that just keeps on getting up and giving as good as she gets. She'll die before she fails but so will a whole bunch of other people. The story is high powered guns, action, and explosions but there is humor along the way. Alex has creative names for her enemies and is good with the snarky and snide retort even in the middle of maybe being about to die.

Pub November 14, 2023