A review by abbeybiggs
The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik


even knowing what happened, the ending was devastating.

this one had a more defined plot, but was still very much a character-driven story. and man those characters. el was out there girlbossing and gaslighting and, by the end, even gatekeeping! (lol) there's something about a character whom anger and violence come so easily to, but who doesn't want to hurt people and actually tries so hard to save everyone, that makes me so soft. i get orion, i really do. i'd be head over heels, too. i get her, too. orion's a certified himbo and i would lay down my life for him.

my hopes for the next one: that i see my boy again, that i finally meet her mom??? didn't expect to want that so bad, and that i see all those scholomance bitches again. i already miss them.

there will be a hole in my heart until i can read the golden enclaves.