A review by spjuver
The Recognitions by William Gaddis, William H. Gass


I thought that more time had passed since I finished this book, so I was planning to write how it was still in my head even though it was a while ago that I read it. But it has not even been a year. Even so, since I did not write a review back when it was supposed to be done I feel like I should at least get a few thoughts down and see how I feel about this after I have read 'The Recognitions' a second time.

There is something about the way in which Gaddis dives in and out of the different characters in this book. How he manages to tell their stories and show how they change on the inside and their relationship to the outside world (or lack of it). To say that I felt like I got to know Wyatt, Otto, Esme and Stanley is not enough. There was something about the way Gaddis writes them into the world that made them very real to me, and their realities truly became some kind of concept in my mind.

From what I remember, it was not as hard to get into this book as I thought it would be. It sure had some twists and turns but everything sank into place soon enough and everything made perfect sense. I will surely revisit The Recognitions some time soon.