A review by veecaswell
I Love You, I Hate You by Elizabeth Davis


This was such a fun read!

Spicy in moments, emotional in moments and thoroughly relateable people, I Love You, I Hate You is a romantic treat that I found it very difficult to put down, in fact I got this read in a few hours and I regret nothing (also as a Victoria with the same nickname, sometimes it felt like an out-of-body experience).

Victoria is what some may call a tsundere, she is tough on the outside due to growing up and having to work for everything she has had whereas on the other hand we have Owen is nuanced, he knows he has privilege but he is so used to always having a backup plan that Victoria in contract could only dream of and I think they both make for empathetic characters and make you root for them throughout.

Plot-wise, it is a great story, we follow them getting so close to the truth sometimes and things happening and I was just sat there like, 'it must be now they figure it out' but oh, no, no no, this doesn't happen and you're left there with baited breath hoping for it to happen and with the incredible scenes this author writes, this author certainly know how to raise the tension in so many ways and I appreciated them all.

I really enjoyed reading it, and I would definitely read more from this author again, she balances the sweet and the spice so well, and this book certainly is proof of that.

(I received an ARC from Netgalley for honest review).