A review by lovelylloyd
The Mini ADHD Coach: How to (finally) Understand Yourself by Alice Gendron

informative inspiring lighthearted fast-paced


Thank you @netgalley @chroniclebooks and Alice Gendron for providing me with a copy of the Mini ADHD Coach for review.

This is a super cute book. Alice incorporates her wonderful illustrations throughout the pages and tells so much of the content through them.

As a fellow Adult ADHDer this was very helpful at validating my experiences. I have read a few textbook/detailed ADHD self help books but none of them actually struck my core behaviours/experiences. There were numerous occasions throughout this book that I click for the first time that certain things that I did (or find difficult to do) could actually be linked to my ADHD.

I think that materials produced by lived experience creators hold such a powerful place in the literary world but can sometimes become a bit patronizing to readers that 'just haven't sorted their mess of a life out by making their bed every morning yet'. This book does not do that and it constantly comes from a place of love, support and curiosity.

Now, it is brief. It is not a detailed guide and it is the sort of book you find sitting on the top row at a department sort for the '150 happiness tips' that are smaller than A5 print. But that is its market and it hits that target very well.