A review by sarah1984
Nauti Enchantress by Lora Leigh


3/9 - I've gotta say, there's a lot of sex in this book. Graham (not a fan of that name, it doesn't match the heroine's name or go with any of the previous heroes' names - Natches, Rowdy, Dawg, etc.) and Lyrica (not a fan of that name either, she sounds like she should be a fae from a supernatural romance) are at it by page 16 and, other than a short break in the middle of the book for a bit of not sex related plot, they're rarely in each other's company without something steamy happening.

I thought it was strange that one of the reasons Graham used for having to stay away from Lyrica was his preference for kinky, dirty sex and that Lyrica shouldn't be subjected to that (he didn't even know Lyrica was a virgin at that point), that his tastes might shock and terrify her. Other than a much higher than normal percentage of sex to plot, there was nothing particularly kinky in this book, and considering some of the other Leigh books I've read I was expecting that 'kinky' to be kinky (wonder where that word came from, I'll have to look up the etymology of the word 'kinky' now).

I was surprised that the older guys admitted to their Machiavellian machinations of their younger relatives love lives. Sure, the ones who've already been manipulated into falling in love with their perfect match can't complain too much, but if the guys' plans get out to the younger generations they could have a mutiny on their hands - children, nieces/nephews, brothers/sisters leaving Somerset in droves before their relatives can meddle in their lives. Rowdy, Natches, and Dawg need to be careful or they could have all-out chaos that tears the family apart. I know I would be more than a little annoyed with a brother, uncle or other male relative telling me (forcefully) what I could do and who I could see, at the age of 24.

Despite all that I really enjoyed the book and had it read well within 12 hours. I've put another of Leigh's books from the series on hold and made a request for the first in the series to be purchased for the catalogue (it really annoys me when they've got most, if not all, of a series, except the first book).