A review by tcgarback
Fear Itself by James K. Moran

I had to skim most of this, hence the lack of a proper rating. 

Quite a bad collection title, given it’s not remotely frightening. Nor is it spicy, sexual, intellectual, shocking, or otherwise tantalizing enough. It’s all just too commercial. The style is too in media res for my taste. Some elements in the stories and the author notes especially give a very off-putting boastful vibe, like the author thinks he’s some hot shot. What positives can I say? The writing is not poor; my problem is that it’s middling. And the plots are fun if you’re an indiscriminate fan of blandly commercial speculative fiction. Ok, I’m not exactly describing positives. My point is that this isn’t horrible, it’s just not good enough to earn my interest.

I’ll be donating my copy. 😕