A review by see_sadie_read
Apocalypse Alley by Don Allmon



Honestly, I didn't love this one like I did The Glamour Thieves. I liked it just fine, but there was no love. I still got a thrill out of Allmon's world and there is a lot of humor in the book that tickled me and I really like the writing style, but the romance literally goes from gun-to-the-head-of-a-stranger to in love, in less than six hours. There is just no way to make that work for me, even if the two go through some heavy stuff together. Almost especially if they go through a storm together, because then you have to sort what feelings are just leftover from the experience and what is real. The book doesn't even touch on that little psychological reality.

Plus, the book just never stops. There are no rest points in the narrative and I, personally, needed them. And lastly, JT and Austin are hardly in the book and I missed them.

Having said all that, I'll still be on board for book three. This might not have shown like the star book one was, but it is still a fun read and I look forward to more of Allmon's work.