A review by hannahmaybookreviews
Tree Sacrifice by Harriet Springbett


Title: Tree Sacrifice
Author: Harriet Springbett
Publisher: Impress Books
Pages: 499
My Rating: 4/5

A huge thank you to the author, Love Books Tours and Impress books for allowing me to be part of the book tour!


After the events of Tree Slayer, Rainbow leaves Broceliande knowing there is a much greater challenge she must face. The one tree has set a horrible event in motion, fed up of mankind, Rainbow has been forbidden from intervening. However, if she doesn’t thousands of trees across France will die. Searching for guidance takes her to England, where a discovery makes sense of her gifts and opens new perspectives, the time has come for her to make the hardest decision of her life. However, it is uncertain if Rainbow’s and Eole’s sacrifices will be enough to save the French forests. Help is close by, but this help lies in a parallel word, where man and tree live in unity. There, Druana also has a difficult decision to make too, she must decide if she’s willing to risk all to rebalance her world. Will Rainbow and Druana ever meet? Everything gained means something has to be lost.

Tree Sacrifice is the 3rd book in the Tree Magic series and this trilogy really has been magical! I really feel like I’ve been on a journey with Rainbow so I was excited but also sad to bring this journey to an end. I also have to comment once more on the beautiful front cover, the covers of this book really do make them feel special.
I find Harriet’s writing to be beautiful at times and this was no different for this read. These books also really appeal to my tree hugging and spiritual side and I love how this last book felt extra special spiritual. I really felt this connect more this time round but I feel that’s because I am more in tune with myself at the moment.
The story picks up right where we left off and it didn’t take long to get back into the swing of things. If you haven’t read the first two books, I really suggest you do for you to really get in to this one. The thought of parallel worlds can also be quite confusing, but Harriet does a wonderful job and making everything fall into place and make sense.
I could really picture Harriet’s writing and her descriptions, which makes these books a perfect escape from realty. Her writing is also very thought provoking at times and does have you questioning life. It also certainly makes me proud to be a tree hugger because this book is simply magical and beautiful, which I’m sure I’ve said many times now!
I found the end to be very comforting and satisfying, everything had its closure for me, the author did a wonderful job at bringing everything together. This is a slow burner of a read, but don’t let this put you off as I feel like if this was to be rushed the effect wouldn’t be the same.