A review by lyssaczernek
My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine


3.5 stars - This rom-com is definitely a bit “kooky” as the author herself called it. I enjoyed myself but definitely picked up on a bit of goofiness. Nothing too deep is explored, so My Roommate Is a Vampire is more lighthearted and something you read when you’re looking for a bit of fun. The plot is very low stacks and reminds me of some cozy fantasy books. 

I think one of my favorite aspects of this book is how easily Cassie accepts Frederick’s vampirism. 

The characters are relatively well developed, and there’s lots of humor through the notes Cassie and Frederick leave for each other and the text messages between Frederick and his vampire friend Reginald. 

My Roommate Is a Vampire is such a quick read and will leave a smile on your face.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.