A review by mehsi
Dead Is So Last Year by Marlene Perez


This book was really fun, I liked the idea of someone making clones/doppelgängers, and we finally meet Daisy, Poppy and Rose's Dad. Though is he really their dad, or is it another doppelgänger?

Daisy is really getting more awesome with every book, I like that she finally gets the hang of her powers, though she should really practice more.

Ryan.. again, I wish he would just talk to people, it would solve a lot of things, and a lot of stuff wouldn't have happened.

Wolfgang, I didn't like him from the first time we saw him, but in this book he is more obnoxious than ever. Hitting on someone's girlfriend, making strange drugs and being an overall pest. I am really hoping, that in the other books that are still coming that he will be nice or at least won't have a big role.

In overall, a really fun nice and wonderful book. Can't wait to buy the whole collection of these books. They are short, but still full with fun, and I love their simple covers.