A review by librarycatnip
Fire & Water by Alexis Hall


Ah! Kate is amazing, so much Lady. Trouble.

This book really hits its stride once it gets done with some quick and dirty exposition for folks not familiar with the world. I continue to love that we get glimpses of the larger world, but that there's a lot of stuff going on that really isn't her stuff. I loved Elise, she really shone in this installment and getting to see her perspective as a narrator for a bit was lovely. The way she sees the world, as an animate statue, is necessarily different than how water-based bodies do. And it follows that she would have a different relationship with other (comparatively) static materials and the creations they make up.
I did have some trouble keeping up with all the folks and who had betrayed who because of "xxx." But this is totally worth multiple reads and that will become clearer - Hall does his homework on intricate plotting.