A review by tealeighmann
Six Seasons: A New Way with Vegetables by Joshua McFadden


Well, I’m still not really able to garden but taking the time to read the forward on this as well as all of the small blurbs ahead of each and every recipe and all the info about each vegetable truly informed my future gardening plans.  I was able to start some seeds and made especially sure to start some kohlrabi in the event I don’t get to direct sow any for fall.   

If you garden, I highly recommend this book. 

Even if you don’t garden, I highly recommend this book.  It’s surprisingly simple for such high praises that it has received.  The recipes do not call for crazy out there ingredients, he shares basic information for people who don’t come to the table with a lot of knowledge, and most importantly in my opinion, is how accessible the whole thing is.  

You don’t have to have fancy materials, fancy ingredients, or fancy language to love this book or use it frequently.  It is very down to earth for someone with his training who has such accolades and has worked in the restaurants with which he’s associated.  

Yet again, I’m thankful for the time I had to sit and reflect on this book - one I would not have picked up if I had not been sick.