A review by vixdag
Breakthrough by Kris Bryant


For me, Kris Bryant’s Breakthrough is the perfect romance. The characters are vividly brought to life, the setting is gorgeous, and the plot is exactly what I want in a romance.

Celebrity journalist, Kennedy Wells is relegated to Alaska to do a piece on deep-sea fishing for an outdoors magazine as a result of a past indiscretion. She is all gorgeous and glamorous and looking to get in and out of Alaska as quickly as possible. On her first day she meets Ranger Brynn Coleman who is the quintessential tall, dark and handsome leading lady. Brynn is capable and gallant. The only things she is missing is the suit of armor and white horse. Kennedy is completely out of her element in Alaska, but Brynn comes to her aide time and again and introduces Kennedy to the beauty and contentment of a simpler life in rural Alaska. Kennedy is immediately drawn to Brynn, but Brynn tries to keep things platonic until she can’t. The question is, can this city girl find her happiness north of the lower 48?

The descriptive prose Bryan conjures up paints an Alaska that this city girl is dying to explore. The book is full of supporting characters that are each distinctive, which isn’t always the case. The dialogue is natural while making both Kennedy and Brynn very relatable despite the fact that they are almost polar opposites. Oh, and there is the best pet I have ever found in the pages of a romance.

The book is told in the first person, past tense from Kennedy’s point of view. I generally don’t care for first person narration, but Bryant made this feel natural and I didn’t feel like I was shorted on learning about Brynn’s character. There is something about this pair that transcends most characters I have encountered. They are perfectly imperfect, but they make a wonderful matched set.

I love this book and highly recommend it. I plan on reading everything in this author’s body of work.

I was given an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.