A review by the_b00kreader
There was Music by J.D. Grubb


This book contains sensitive themes including r*pe/s*xual ass*ult, mental health, violence, s*icidal thoughts etc.
If a sensitive reader, this book isn't for you.

In this book, we follow Prisoner 43-1-12 on her journey of survival. She's defiant, strong willed, but she's struggling in the life she has. She doesn't have a name, she's just another number in the prison.
I felt sympathy for her throughout this book and I must say that her character was so very well written.
Staying on the topic of characters, a lot of the time was spent on building up Prisoner 43-1-12's character that we didn't really get to know the other characters too well and we weren't exactly able to get a feel for the world.

There Was Music is written in a way that's quite unique, in my opinion. We're practically inside the mind of the main character, Prisoner 43-1-12. The storyline has been well thought out and in most places it has been very well portrayed. There were scenes in this book in which confused me greatly and got me muddled up with where I was, especially at the beginning. The language felt a bit too technical at first, too broad, and it was what confused me. I eventually got the hang of it but this is the reason why I'm docking a star.

Altogether though, this book was definitely something. It was impactful in a way you wouldn't have really thought it would be upon first reading. There is great pain woven through these pages and it is one of the main emotions that readers will feel.

Great debut, great main character and a wonderful portrayal of trauma and mental health.