A review by princess_starr
Bradbury Classic Stories #1: From The Golden Apples of the Sun and R is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury


When I found out Ray Bradbury died back in June, I was admittedly heartbroken. He was one of my first introductions to sci-fi, and aside from one book, I’ve always enjoyed his work. (Still not a fan of Something Wicked This Way Comes.) But admittedly, I haven’t read very much from Bradbury so I quickly rectified this.

So I picked up this collection, notably containing “The Fog Horn” and “A Sound of Thunder,” to help bolster my collection. And I did like this collection. The both halves of the book contain more introspective slice-of-life tales that do take a darker look at the nostalgic days of childhood that Bradbury really likes (particularly with “I See You Never” and “The Big Black and White Game”) as well as genre-defying tales (STRONG reads for “The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind,” “Embroidery” and “The Exiles.”) And yet, there’s also ones that don’t work for me. (Like the aforementioned “A Sound of Thunder.” I know, classic but…I don’t know. Maybe because I know the twist already.)

That said, I do like this collection, and would give it a fair shot to anyone l think would like a quick handful of short reads.