A review by shopthebookworm
We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon


We Can't Keep Meeting Up Like This does a great job at pointing out that nothing is perfect, but I'm finding it extremely hard NOT to call this book perfect.

Much like Quinn, I am not a romantic--we're probably on the same level of cynicism and dodging romances as much as possible. It's a hard thing to explain to people, so seeing that exactly what goes through my mind was somehow on paper felt surreal. For a while, I was starting to think I was twins with her characters and then remembered I know absolutely nothing about the harp, I'm no where close to being Jewish, my family most certainly does not have a family business in the wedding industry, and she's fictional.

And then later down the line, the same thing happened with Tarek. I'm also not Egyptian, not a baker, and not interested in romantic gestures in any way, but my first-year college experience was just like his.

Rachel Lynn Solomon not only wrote a book that I couldn't put down, but quickly found a place on my 'Top Favorite Authors' list. I didn't hate a single moment in her book and when it comes to all the YA contemporary books I've gone through, I have never related to two characters more.