A review by mommasaystoread
Weep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie


Weep, Woman, Weep has the Gothic feel and it definitely hits on some dark subject matter. The scary elements kind of sneak up on you, but to me, the horrors that weren't so spooky were some of the most chilling parts of the story. It's a quick read, easily finished in a couple of hours, especially with the compelling story Maria DeBlassie has created. A story that turned out to be as much about grief, moving on, finding your place, and making your own magic as the chilling tale about La Llorona. To be honest, I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this one when I started reading. The darkness at times is almost heavy, but the writing style and the character, Mercy, kept me turning the pages, and I'm really glad I did.