A review by styxis
Permafrost by Eva Baltasar


A successful suicide, these days, is heroic. The world is full of unscrupulous people certified in first aid; they're everywhere, gray and unassuming like female pigeons but aggressive like mothers. They foil death with cardiac massages and careful Heimlich maneuvers. They're a pack of thieves. You can't even ram an olive pit down the wrong tube without them forcing you to spit it out, even if they break ribs or puncture lungs in the process.

DNF at 31%.

I won't finish this book. The reason is not because it's sad and depressing but because I just can't connect with the protagonist and her life at all.
Additionally, every other chapter, sentence, metaphor and simile seemed very random and out of place. Perhaps I missed some deeper meaning behind those written words but I just can't bring myself to care about the story and its characters. For these reasons, I'm putting it down.