A review by amandaventure
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione


I really liked Idess and Lore's story. The only problem I had was how fast they got together. From the time they met until the time they bonded was like 4-5 days. It seemed longer with all the action in the book but that is the actual time line. I think maybe some more build would have been interesting. The Assassin's Guild wasn't to spectacular a spot either. It felt pretty one dimensional. Althought the tiger shifter Sumil was pretty cool.
I really liked Lore and Sin and the storyline with the other Sem bros was really great.
SpoilerI'm glad they finally did away with Roag. It was getting super tiresome always having him be the bad guy. Azagoth was way rad! I'm really interested in him as a character and I hope he will be in future books.

I was happy to finally meet Sin.
SpoilerLore's twin sister and only female Seminus demon in existence, EVER!
She seems like a really interesting character and I'm interested in how her story will play out next.