A review by sling
Sasha by Joel Shepherd


This book started out a five, went to a three, and finished at a four. Barely.

I really liked the main character; she was headstrong and stubborn and had her faults but the author showed by the actions of those around her that she deserved the starring role in the novel even when she was full of self-doubt. There was evidence of change and real character development as well.

For once, you didn't get the boring backstory that in a movie becomes a training montage. But in a sense this is also the book's downfall. The reader gets dumped into a world of political intrigue with no guide. I found the characters too similar to easily distinguish and the author had the bad habit of spelling names with a y, when an i would just as easily do.

But some of the scenes were really very good. The battles moved along with great description; our protagonist's skills were introduced in an inspirational way; the politics were finally explained and with just enough intrigue to make the second in the series a soon-to-pick-up for me.