A review by katheastman
Project Darcy by Jane Odiwe


After having enjoyed Jane Odiwe's Searching for Captain Wentworth, I jumped at the chance to read Project Darcy even before knowing anything more about it other than the title and that the cover promised further Time Travels with Jane Austen. One of the highlights to me of Odiwe's previous book was how she'd imagined Jane Austen to be, as well as her contemporaries and the characters from her books and their possible real-life inspiration. This holds every bit as true for Project Darcy and I had a great deal of fun reading not only Odiwe's take on Jane Austen and her circle of acquaintances and their surroundings but seeing how she used fragments of well-known speeches and letters from Jane Austen's books to show how and where Jane Austen's inspiration might have come from. I liked the fact that having a twenty-first century heroine slip back in time allowed Odiwe to take a few more liberties than she might otherwise have done in scenes between the heroine, Ellie, and her eighteenth century beau. I also enjoyed figuring out who the modern-day counterparts to Jane Austen's characters were and seeing how they behaved now that they were in a more contemporary setting and circumstances.

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