A review by charlottelynn
What the Nanny Saw by Kaira Rouda


WOW! This book had me unable to put it down. I could not stop turning pages and needing to know what was going to happen with Cecilia and Peyton and how would the nanny fit into that story. I could see the twists coming but I did not see how they would play out.

The nanny, Lizzie, was a character that from the beginning I knew that she would be a unique character. I knew that she would be a character that would keep me on my toes knowing that there was more to her than meets the eye. I liked her from the beginning. She is a character that I hope there is more from in future books.

I love that this is a standalone book but Cecilia had hew own book, The Second Mrs. Strom, so that made her a familiar character to me. This book does not really start where the first took off but there are a few references to things that happen in that book.