A review by wintrovia
Stone Junction by Jim Dodge


Stone Junction tell the story of a child that is trained by a secretive outlaw magic society and has to solve the mystery surrounding the death of a relative.

It's a strange book, the first half to two thirds of the book is like an elongated training montage, where you see Daniel go from mentor to mentor and learn skills that will equip him for his outlaw life. Then when that bit's over he then goes on a quest which involves the magical elements of the story really becoming a huge part of how he acheives his goal, despite the earlier parts of the book not really drawing too much attention to it.

I enjoyed the start, thought the characters where interesting and the story seemed to be progressing. But then it kind of changes into a different story and it's slightly unsatisfying because much of the earlier elements aren't really relevent to the book's climax. I liked the writing style and there were sections I really enjoyed but I felt like the beginning didn't really set up the unplausable end sequence.

So it was a bit unsatisfying and I felt like it could have been better. The magical realism wasn't really my cup of tea but I can see how someone else could read this and get a lot more out of it than I did.