A review by mjsam
Waiting for You by Elle Spencer


ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I go back and forth on Spencer books, I enjoyed her short story set and [b:30 Dates in 30 Days|51872065|30 Dates in 30 Days|Elle Spencer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1560928304l/51872065._SX50_SY75_.jpg|71387058] but wasn’t impressed by [b:The Road to Madison|44162675|The Road to Madison|Elle Spencer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1551397049l/44162675._SY75_.jpg|68687793]. This was sort of between both, I was intrigued by the past life premise, but the execution fell flat.

This features Lindsay, a recently divorced artist who believes she had a past life with a woman named Roo and lives in a small town with her daughter, her BFF from way back also features. The other MC is Ren, who is visiting said small town to see her BFF before taking a job in Paris. The first time Lindsay sees Ren she faints, because she thinks Ren is Roo. This could have set up an interesting book about past life connections, but it never quite gets there.

Instead it’s kind of Robin Alexander meets Melissa Brayden with hijinks and zany characters of an Alexander book and Braydenesque banter. The nicknames for the BFFs and the over the top situations were too cutesy for me.

In all honesty I’d have preferred more relationship building between the leads and less of the zaniness. The whole relationship felt underdone and the reveal came too late. The ending was very rushed (actually takes place in the epilogue) so the pacing felt off.

Others have enjoyed this more than I did and if you’re a Spencer fan I’m sure you’d enjoy it. It’s an ok read, I was just hoping for something a bit deeper. This is mostly fluff. 3 stars.