A review by alexandra_92
Mosaic by Sarah Fine


I received an e-ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I consider myself to be one of the top fans of Sarah's writing. I've read all the books, have raved about them not being so known to the reading public but this book had me sit back after finishing it and wonder: "Why? Why did she do this?"

In Mosaic we follow Asa and Mattie as they make their own road, following relics and swapping magic between items. When a horrible event causes Asa to be separated from Mattie, she will do everything she can in order to save him.

While the story was filled with action and Mattie's POV struggling to save Asa, I couldn't help but notice how much depth Sarah Fine gave to both Mattie but also all the secondary characters she wrote. Some revelations were cruel, other pretty hard to understand, but I think that in the end, the whole point was to understand trough all the characters how hard you can fall in love, but also how toxic this love can be to yourself.

I admit it: the ending was horrible. I was crying by the ending of the book. I didn't want any of them to end like this! I'll not spoil but if you want to know, I am open to a discussion. It was unfair to Mattie and cruel from all aspects at least in my opinion.

This series is actually one of the darkest Sarah Fine has written so far. Although I don't know if she'll write a spin-off series, I finally understood that the point in these books wasn't the romance or the action but instead the cruel nature of the human relationship. Recommended if you want to cure your curiosity of the ending.