A review by chocolatemeerkat
Ace by Jack Byrne


3.5 rating waffling on 4 stars. I would like to start off with that if the blurb had stated that Jake was questioning and did not know that he was homoromantic demisxual like the author says in his blog I would have not have had so many issues with the first 25% of the book. The blurb makes it out (especially if you dont know the authors blog post about this until later) that Jake knows he is demi. Second issues is what I perceived as the awkward random use of kink in this. I give a lot of points for using a safeword in the situations they have but the rest of the kink just seemed out of place and I really like kink. Third is the fact that the book literally ends with Julio's friend being oh so you're ace. No explanation beyond that all no more dialogue just boom end. I have no idea if the author is going for a sequel or not but it felt very unfinished almost cliffhanger(y).

The story was enjoyable for the most part from the issues I stated. It is nice to see characters on the ace spectrum in fiction and Jack did a good job at bringing it to life even if at times it felt stilted to me. I hope we get more from these characters.