A review by chthonic_child
Bride by Ali Hazelwood


I love Ali Hazelwood and I love omegaverse and I'm not ashamed to admit it, so when I found out that Ali was publishing a werewolf/vampire, marriage of convenience omegaverse book I couldn't not get it. Obviously... and boy it did not disappoint :D (edit after finishing, I notice I've rambled so much but I legit enjoyed this book so fucking much I see no faults 🤷‍♀️)

So, Bride is about Misery, the daughter of a Vampyre councilman. When she was a child she was send to the Human side as Collateral, a trade between Vampyres and Humans as a show of goodwill and the fragile truces between the two races. In her time there, she was paired up with Serena who became her best friend and sister. When it was time for the new Collateral and for Misery to come home, she moved to the Human side in hiding together with Serena. For four years, it all went well until all of a sudden Serena vanished. It was Misery's mission to find her. The one clue led to a Moreland. And who just happened to be a Moreland? - The Were Alpha she needed to marry for a truce between Were and Vampyre. Misery agrees to the marriage for one reason only, she'll have a year to find her best friend or die trying. How bad could Lowe Moreland be?

I loved everything about this book and could have read a 100 more pages. The tension? The longing? Lets be honest, the knot?! It's absolutely a slowburn and it was torture to not be able to yell at the characters while they were figuring stuff out. And for me too there were some plotpoints it took me a whiiile to realise as well, but that only meant I was as stunned as the characters which is kind of fun xD. The tension between them from a _certain_ point was palpable and so, so hot, with how they work some things out. The chapterheadings were from Lowe's POV and they were all so good. The way he thinks/feels about her?! The touch-my-wife-and-you-die?! Consent King! It was a load of typicals but in such a well-done way that it didn't feel overly used/cliche'd. 

Misery is such a badass. I'd have liked a little more of her hackerstuff here and there maybe? But it was fun to read her having absolutely zero filter xD I feel like in her way of talking you could fairly well notice the fact she mostly grew up with Humans but she's still a Vampyre yk? and LOWE?! Ma'am, as someone who was heavily team Jacob back in the day, I was down bad for this man. His lil smiles with Ava? The grump but not really grump? His caution, care and badassery? ALSO THAT ENDING!?!??! Are we getting a book two? PLEASE????? Just for a cRUMB of Misery x Lowe? I'll take anything miss ma'am Ali! 

Caution spoiler?? but also it's Ali so not really? But the whole Mate thing?! I was l i v i n gggggg...It felt soo good that Misery finally felt a place of belonging with Lowe and the way it all developed was well paced and described. It's not really, enemies to lovers but also not per sé friends to lovers.