A review by kymagirl
Holly's Unjolly Christmas by Lark Green


Holly (h), a recently divorced teacher seeking solitude, and Azgoran (H), a grumpy demon groundskeeper, are trapped in a remote mountain cabin on Mount Winter Bliss when an avalanche strands them together. Trapped together, Azgoran’s grumpy nature is initially at odds with Holly’s sunnier personality, and their banter and interactions reflect this. As they get to know one another, the pair share tender moments, and steamy encounters. Holly's journey from a people-pleaser to finding her own voice and Azgoran's gradual thawing from a reclusive demon to someone embracing connection adds a touching depth to their relationship. While not heavily Christmas-centric, its wintry setting and the heartfelt moments, exploring themes of self-discovery, setting boundaries, and healing from past wounds makes for an engaging holiday read.