A review by ezichinny
Cop Out by K.C. Burn


This was a new plot for me in GFY but it worked well in my opinion. Detective Kurt O’Donnell was injured in an explosion that killed his work partner Ben. As a good partner, Kurt decided to extend himself to Ben's family but quickly realized that he didn't know anything about Ben's family. So Kurt went in search of Ben's family and this is when Kurt realized that Ben wasn't who he thought he was.
First of all, Kurt had no idea that Ben was gay nor did he know about the partner Davy. Second, when he got to know Davy and how Ben treated Davy, Kurt felt guilty and tried to help Davy pick up the pieces of his devastated life.

The mourning of Ben made Kurt and Davy get close and soon Kurt, who is straight, found himself having sexual fantasies about Davy. But Kurt couldn't act on them because he is catholic, plus the fact that he wasn't gay. Besides, after what Davy went through with Ben, a closeted detective was not something Davy wanted to experience again. Is being friends enough?

I liked Kurt and I especially liked how close his family was. I loved Kurt's new work partner and that relationship was obviously more valuable and way more supportive than what he had with Ben. I liked how compassionate Ben was overall, especially considering that he sent texts for over 6 months with no reply. I am ambivalent about Davey. I just didn't feel like I got a good sense of who he was. He was just really weak but that was understandable since his partner for 6 years was just murdered, who wouldn't be feeling so low? He obviously had friends and a real life before because they all popped back in once the barrier (Ben) wasn't in the picture. So I know he must have been a great guy before his self-esteem was smashed. Maybe we will see more of him in the next book.