A review by carlyxdeexx
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman


Why did this audiobook take me so long to finish?

I think part of it is that audiobooks don’t keep my attention as well as physical books. But part of it is also that Neil’s voice is very sweet and soothing. And typically I do my reading/listening on the morning bus to work or the evening bus home from work. In both scenarios, I am exhausted. And Neil’s voice would put me right to sleep. I’d miss whole chapters and have to find where I was when I conked out.

Which was frustrating enough, but on top of that, I had to put the audiobook on my iPod, and when iTunes auto-named the tracks, it named them differently for each disc, so at first, I didn’t have them in the correct order, so I listened to a lot of the stories completely out of order. Whoops.

So my first audiobook experience was pretty chaotic! I’m probably sticking to physical books from here on out.

In any case, I liked these stories. They were pretty basic interpretations. I didn’t know much about Norse myths going in, so I think it was more enlightening to me than it would be to someone with extensive knowledge of Norse myths. I thought it was so silly that people got mad at Neil for the myth with the wall in it! Also Ragnarok is the result of climate change. Prepare for the impending death of the world.