A review by kazza27
25 Days 'til Christmas by Poppy Alexander


25 days til Christmas Poppy Alexander

Kate Thompson used to love Christmas. But that was before her husband went away with the army and didn't come home. Now she can hardly stand the festive season.

But Kate knows there is more to life than this, and her son Jack needs a Christmas to remember. What she needs is a Christmas miracle, and if there isn't one on its way, she'll just have to make her own.

So begins Kate's advent countdown to the best Christmas ever. She has it all planned out, but you can't plan for the unexpected, and when her life starts to unravel can her friends and the community around her help her save Christmas for all of them...?

A Christmas roller coaster of a book ! 4 stars

I was lucky to receive this to review from Net Galley and then invited to take part in the blog tour with

Kate is a widow and lives in a small cold flat with her young son Jack. Kate has worked for several years for Portman brothers and at Christmas time she is made to stand outside the shop dressed as an elf and sell Christmas trees .​

Over the years she has seen Daniel who has come along with his sister to buy a tree. This year however Daniel is alone having lost his sister.

The story deals with some really difficult topics in a really sensitive way loss,disability, grief, and family issues are all dealt with. It has a real Christmas feel to the book and in some ways reminded me of the theme of It's a Wonderful Life. I loved the countdown to Christmas and also seeing how Kate and Daniel overcome their fears and sadness to be able to enjoy Christmas once more.

I really liked Kate as a character she was feisty, tenacious and a great Mum to Jack.

I loved that book gives a real sense of hope to anyone who may not enjoy Christmas for a whole host of reasons and even when all the odds are against you there is still kindness and hope out there.

Not your usual Christmas read but I think this will be enjoyed by many.