A review by longtimereader
A Lady Unrivaled by Roseanna M. White


The more of Roseanna White's books I read, the more I love them. Ella is doing her best to avoid falling for anyone, much less Lord James Cayton, aka Cayton or Cay. He's broken the hearts of at least two women, one who was his wife. Well, maybe it wasn't exactly that way, but she is deceased and his beyond adorable little girl has taken a deep liking to Ella.

Ella has one solid goal, and I love her steadfastness in working towards that. She has every plan to save the mystery of these missing red diamonds. Yes, RED diamonds. If she can find them, she feels she can free her family from all kinds of things. Will her steadfast comment to this be everyone's undoing?

I like Ella, and Cayton is amazing too. I love his panting skills, and his dedication to his child as best as he can. The cute way they tease each other starting with the color of Ella's hair, and her preferred naming of the color of her hair was so funny!

I connected deeply with the plight of Kira Belova in some ways. I loved that she was a ballerina, a Prima at that. My heart hurt with her over her injury and I felt horrible about her being controlled by the man who was treating her so badly. (That was so well written though!) I could have read an entire book just about her life before this situation.

This was the third and final book in this series and I'm sad it's over. Even so, they were all so very good that I can easily recommend them to anyone. They are best read in order.

My copy came from Celebrate Lit in exchange for my honest review and nothing more.