A review by somanybookstoread
The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg


I don't remember how I discovered Elizabeth Berg. But I'm glad I did. I haven't loved everything I've read by her, but this one was definitely enjoyable. The Art of Mending is a double entendre for the protagonist, who is a quilter (meaning 1) and asked to bear witness to a painful family situation (meaning 2). In essence, it's a story of wearing blinders, facing truth, and cultivating forgiveness. Who couldn't use a bit of contemplation around those topics?
It was a quick, well-crafted read. The only issue I had with it is kind of trite and plot-related. Characters in this book just keep getting on flights as though flying is something one does on a whim and not an expensive endeavor that requires planning. That irritated me for some reason. But overall, I recommend this to those who enjoy contemporary, literary (or semi-literary) fiction.