A review by tittypete
The Divine Invasion by Philip K. Dick


God has been kicked off earth since way back in Hebrew-times. A guy in the future living on a distant planet is contacted by him and it's arranged (with help from the prophet Elijah) for him to help smuggle god as a baby back to earth in the womb of a neighbor woman with MS. They do it and then there's some trippy shit that happens on different realms of consciousness. Belial is the bad god and he's running earth in god's absence. But we are taught through a series of super meta convos that we all have the choice which god we wanna have in charge. Or something like that.

Belial shows up as a cuddly goat that stinks. There's a singer that's maybe Linda Ronstadt who has big tits at first but then it turns out she has zits and lives in a filthy apartment. And it all has to do with cosmic religion next level stuff.

VALIS part two, man.

It was alright.